Weeknote: 17 August 2024 – AI, iDOS and covid

Published stuff
My stuff column this week is: The secret AI prompts at the heart of Apple Intelligence, in which I add to the Apple AI prompts someone revealed on Reddit. I also added Dumb Phone to my best iPhone apps round-up.
Meanwhile, over at TapSmart, I explored great multiplayer party games to play.
Other stuff
iDOS finally got approved, putting an end to this particular slice of App Store idiocy. Note that MAME4iOS remains in limbo, however, being repeatedly rejected for ‘spam’.
Disney’s legal team is using terms and conditions from Disney+ to stop a man suing over a wrongful death at one of its theme parks. Perhaps it’s jealous that Netflix owns Black Mirror.
Covid finally caught me, after four years. My throat felt weird, I did a test, and I got the evil line of doom. Anyone who says this is just like a cold needs their head examined. Only two days in, feeling sick and knackered all the time is getting old.
I’m also kicking myself. I’d long been the last mask standing, and still used it on public transport. But I’d not been using one all the time in stores, nor when we went to Legoland UK this week. Although I’ll never know precisely where I picked this up and if a mask would have helped. Silver lining: my wife and daughter appear to have escaped so far.