Weeknote: Pebble returns, Apple quietens AI news alerts, Severance and more

Google open-sourced PebbleOS. Pebble’s founder is now looking to resurrect the much-loved wearable in a form that takes a more focused and sustainable approach than today’s leading smartwatch brands. I discuss this in my latest Stuff column: Why I’m excited about a new Pebble smartwatch – and what Apple could learn from Pebble’s rebirth.
Apple Intelligence has stopped serving up fake news.Over at TapSmart, I argue it should never have started as part of a column looking into this whole sorry episode.
Journaling can boost mental health. But if you lack the time or don’t fancy digging out a paper journal and a pen, what’s the alternative? For TapSmart, I outline tips, apps and hardware for journaling using an iPhone.
The new series of Severance started recently. Given how much I loved the first one, I found it surprising to watch the ‘previously’ catch-up and realise how little of it I remembered. With more time, I’d have binge-watched the entire series before tackling the new one, but I barely have time to watch more than a few hours of TV a week these days. So new episodes only it is.
January is done. Good. It wasn’t a great month for all sorts of reasons. Hoping that February brings with it a little more cheer as daylight returns.